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Sunday, January 13, 2008

journée de solidarité internationale envers les Résistances Palestinienne, Irakienne et Libanaise

D’Atlanta, Zurich et Bombay, en passant par Rome, Bruxelles et Paris
De Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro et Séoul, en passant par Vienne, Bucarest et Montréal,
De Bogota, Kinshasa et Helsinki, en passant par Jakarta, Caracas, Mexico et Islamabad
De Manille, Lisbonne, Madrid et Moscou, en passant par Bangkok, la Sibérie, Kaboul et Ouzbékistan…

Le Forum Social Mondial – 2008

A déclaré

Samedi 26 Janvier 2008, journée de solidarité internationale envers les Résistances Palestinienne, Irakienne et Libanaise

De Beyrouth, à 10h00, heure locale, le Forum animera la flamme de la Résistance et de la Liberté : coup d’envoi de boycotts, des marches et manifestations de solidarité dans plus de cent cinquante pays, quatre mille villes, avec la participation de plus de cent mille organisations et partis politiques

Ce jour là, à 10h00, heure de Beyrouth, les cloches et Muezzines du Liban devront résonner

Ce jour là, au crépuscule, les bougies devront s’allumer aux baies de toutes les fenêtres, du Sud au Nord, d’Est en Ouest

End the NAKBA !
Stop the War! - Stand with the Palestinian Struggle Against Israeli Expulsion and Apartheid!

Action Start Time:
2008, January 26 - 12:00am

On January 26 2008, people all over the world unite against neo-liberalism, war, colonialism and racism. We endorse the Global Call for action promoted by the World Social Forum and call upon all people of conscience to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian, Iraqi, Iranian, Lebanese, Syrian and Afghani people who daily face occupation and military threats. We urge you to join us on this day to oppose the ongoing Israeli crimes, which began 60 years ago and are still the cornerstone of the wars and occupations in the Middle East.
Let us Act Together For Another World! Let us demand self-determination and justice for the entire region and return for the Palestinian refugees.
The Palestinian struggle is a call for national liberation and for global justice. The Nakba (Arabic for “catastrophe”) is the result of the Western powers deciding upon the establishment of Israel, loyal outpost of their colonial interests in the region. Between 1948 and 1951, some 530 Palestinian villages were completely razed and 85% of our people have been expelled from 78% of our land to make space for the creation of a Zionist state with a Jewish majority. The continuous support and acquiescence of the international community make it possible for Israeli occupation and apartheid and the gradual expulsion of our people to continue.
We call for people around the world to organize actions in support of the growing movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel.
We demand an end to the Nakba in Palestine!
• Let the 6 million Palestinian refugees return to their homes and villages, from where they were expelled!• End Israeli apartheid and displacement of the Palestinian citizens of Israel!• End the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and the ghettoization of the Palestinian people behind the Apartheid Wall!• End the siege on Gaza and free the over 10 000 Palestinian prisoners!
We demand an end to war against the people in the Middle East!
• End the Occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan!• End the threats and sanctions against Iran!• End the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights!• End the threats and attacks against Lebanon!• Shut down the Israeli nuclear threat!
The National Committee for the Commemoration of the NakbaPalestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign

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